Cowhide Rug FAQs

Cowhide Rug FAqs

You have probably seen pictures of cowhide rugs in design magazines and maybe even the house of a friend or two, but do you really know that much about cowhide rugs?

Because they are so rich looking, many people assume that it is too of a high-end item for them. If you like the look of cowhide rugs, but are feeling unsure about making such a big purchase, you should really get all the facts before making any final decision.

Check out these Cowhide Rug FAQs:

Cowhide Rugs will last you a long time.

Cowhide is very durable and easy to maintain so it can last for a long time. To clean them, all you have to do is wipe up spills with a dry cloth or clean up dirt with the vacuum. An authentic cowhide rug holds up well against the constant flow of kids and pets throughout the house. Cowhide rugs also make great family heirlooms to pass down to your children.

You have the option of different colors and patterns.

Cowhide rugs come in different shapes, sizes, colors and patterns. They come in black, white, brown and white, tri-color, brown-white and black, brindle and patchwork. For the adventurous, cowhide rugs can even be dyed a bright color like pink or one that is acid metallic washed. Imagine how cool your daughter’s bedroom will look with a bright pink dyed cowhide rug.

Cowhide is very versatile.

Cowhide can really work with any style. You are probably seeing it pop up as much in contemporary, modern homes as you do it more country styled spaces. A cowhide rug can soften a room filled with metal and glass and can add a little whimsy to a black and white kitchen. Use it as a wall tapestry or as a throw blanket.

Each cowhide is unique

Another great thing about cowhide rugs is that because each cow has a unique hide that means no one else will have the exact same rug you have. Even twin cows have a slightly different pattern. If you love to be unique, then a cowhide rug can really help you put a personal stamp on the room.

Cowhide is one hundred percent hypoallergenic.

When a rug is made of synthetic fibers, those fibers can go airborne irritating the skin and lungs of people with allergies. Rugs made of natural cow skin don’t have this problem. Not only are there few allergens in the cowhide itself, but these rugs do not collect a lot of pollen and dust. Instead of a massive cleaning ordeal come allergy season which normally happens with other rugs and wall to wall carpet, with a cowhide rug, you just need to shake it outside for a few minutes and Viola! All Clean. You can also simply just vacuum the rug as well.

Cowhide doesn’t smell any differently than any other leather products.

The hair on the cowhide rug is soft and supple and you will enjoy sinking your feet into it. It will feel luxurious but not sinful. And while there may be a finished leather smell to the rug that comes from it being properly cleaned and treated like happens in all real leather products that will fade over time.

Have you ever heard of the new leather smell in a car? It is the same sort of thing. If the smell is a little overpowering to you, simply hang it outside for a while or keep your windows open and your cowhide will just have a nice fresh scent. If that doesn’t work then try a carpet deodorizer. The most important thing is to not try to wash your cowhide rug.

It is easy to avoid the curling that sometimes happens with natural cowhide rugs.

A natural cowhide rug is that the corners may curl over time. It happens to all cowhide rugs because the corners are thinner than the rest of the rug. To avoid this from happening, keep your rug away from heat and direct sunlight. If your rug is already curling, then try spraying some water on the back of the rug and massage the rug. You can also try to hold the edges down for a few days with some books.

Cowhide rugs are not just for the floor.

Besides being used as a floor covering, cowhide rugs can also be used as a tapestry hanging on the wall or even as a throw blanket across the couch. Cowhide always brings with it a warmth and richness that your family, friends and guests will appreciate. A cowhide rug hanging in your dining room would definitely make the room pop and add a level of sophistication.

Probably one of the greatest things about cowhide is that you can use it in more ways than just as rugs. Instead of decorating the floors or walls with cowhide, why not make your furniture the main focal point of the room? You can easily bring some cowhide into your home with a cowhide couch or chair. One elegant cowhide chair can really stand out in a room. Who wouldn’t want to curl up with a good book in one of those? Just make sure you mix and match cowhide furniture subtly with other pieces so you don’t make the room feel too busy with so many patterns and colors swirling around.

Cowhide pillows are also good accent pieces. Whether they are for the living room or den couches or your bed, these pillows are fun to look at, but because of their soft supple skin and fur, they are also very inviting. You can even get cowhide lamp shades for your living room or den for a unique look or cowhide placemats for the kitchen. Both are fun additions that can add charm to your home.

Also remember that quality cowhide rugs do not have to be real expensive. Check out this tips for enjoying a cowhide rug in your home without breaking the bank. Call Cowhide Outlet today for more information.


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