4 Smart Tips for Cleaning Cowhide Rug

cleaning cowhide rug

Have you always admired the look and feel of cowhide, but worried about the upkeep? Because it is so rich and sophisticated looking, you probably assume that a cowhide rug comes with complicated care instructions and that they are easily damaged.

Luckily, that is not the case. Cowhide rugs are very durable and pretty low maintenance despite appearances. Here are some 4 smart tips for cleaning a cowhide rug:

1. Vacuum Regularly

One of the most important things you need to do to care for your cowhide rug is to vacuum it regularly. It should be a part of your weekly house cleaning, just like vacuuming all your carpets and other area rugs. Don’t let the dirt and dust build up or it can matte the hairs down and be harder to get that fresh look back.

2. Never Soak Your Rug

If you have a spill on your cowhide rug, your first instinct is probably to use soap and water to soak out any stains. This is the wrong thing to do with cowhide. For light spills, simply use a dry cloth to wipe it up. Make sure you wipe in the same direction of the hairs. For harder spills, you can use a damp cloth with a mild detergent. Never let your cowhide rug get really wet.

3. Powder Deodorizers

If you are worried about smells developing in your cowhide rugs, don’t worry there is an easy way to keep your rug smelling fresh and clean. All you have to do is use a powder that contains deodorizers. Sprinkle some on your rug and let it sit for the time indicated in the instructions. Then just vacuum it up.

4. Eucalyptus Oil

Grease stains can be the hardest stains to get out, but if you know what ingredients to use, it doesn’t have to ruin your cowhide rug. Lightly rub some eucalyptus oil on the stain to help lift the grease stain away.

If a stain is persistent, you can also hire a professional carpet cleaning service that specializes in cowhide rugs. Remember that a well-taken care of cowhide rug can last a lifetime and can easily be passed down through the generations.

Buying a quality cowhide rug can also help making keeping it clean easier. Experts agree that the highest quality cowhide rugs come from Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and France so make sure you know where yours is coming from.

Top manufacturers will use special chrome salts and oils in the tanning process for the highest quality and softest hides. Also look for companies that are against animal cruelty and who only use skins from cows who were raised for their meat and milk. It is important to look into the background of the company you are considering purchasing from.

There are different ways you can test the quality of the cowhide. You can do the bunch test where you bunched the rug up and then let it fall out. High quality rugs will fall out naturally without any wrinkles. You can also do a smell test to see if it smells like genuine leather. Don’t worry you will be immediately able to tell the difference. You should also look at the coat. If it appears shiny and health then you probably have a good quality hide.

Because you are most likely going to order your cowhide rug online, it is important to go with a company that has a good return policy. That way you can do these quality tests once you receive your cowhide rug and be reassured that you can always return the rug if it doesn’t pass the tests to your satisfaction.

Quality Doesn’t Have to Mean Expensive

You may be saying to yourself, what if I can’t afford a quality cowhide rug? Luckily, quality doesn’t have to mean expensive. Here are some ways to get a quality cowhide rug for less:

Shop at Antique Stores. Because cowhide rugs are very durable they are often family heirlooms passed down from generation to generation, you can find a lot of them at antique stores and at flea markets. You have to be careful though because they can come in varying conditions so you need to check any piece you hope to buy thoroughly first to make sure there are not any glaring problems with it. Another potential downside is that it might take a while to find the exact coloring and pattern you are looking for.

Go to Discount Stores. Brazilian cowhides are the most popular type of cowhides but also more expensive. At discount cowhide stores, they will often offer Argentine and Colombian cowhides which are still good quality rugs but are usually not as thick or supple and can be sold for a less expensive price.

Try DIY Cowhide. If you like being hands-on and doing do-it-yourself projects, then you can also do your own DIY cowhide in order to cut down on costs. For the most success with this though, you need to make sure you know how to do it properly so make sure you read up on the do’s and don’ts of DIY and talk to a few experts before giving it a whirl yourself.

No matter how you shop for cowhide, the important thing to remember is that quality does matter. Often times it is worth it to spend the money on something you and your family can appreciate for years and years to come. Get the premium Brazilian cowhide if it will make you happy. Just take the time to save up the money to do so. You will appreciate it more for having to wait.

When you buy your rug from a reputable source, not only will you feel confident in your purchase, you will have a knowledgeable source for any questions you have about the upkeep of your new cowhide rug.

For more information about quality cowhide rugs and smart tips for cleaning a cowhide rug, visit Cowhide Outlet’s website or give them a call.


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