8 Hacks to Organize a Home Office

organize a home office

Due to the current situation in the world, you are likely to spend a lot more time working from home. Is your office starting to get cluttered? If it is, then you probably want to start learning how to organize a home office.

We found some simple hacks to get you started! Do not worry, once you start decluttering, it is easier to keep going. These are our 8 hacks to organize a home office:

1. Start at The Desk

Your desk is likely to be the most cluttered space in the room, so you are going to want to start there. Plus, you are always having to look at it while you work, which might start to become distracting.

You can buy some new desk accessories to help you get everything back into its proper place. We offer cowhide coozies that look great on desks and offer a place to store loose pencils and other objects.

You will want to remove everything from your desk and do your best to fit it all into its proper place. Extra storage and adding new shelves can be very helpful here.

2. Get Cozy Furniture

When we feel more comfortable, we tend to be more productive. If your current office furniture is hurting your back or is boring to look at, you might want to browse our selection of cowhide furniture.

Adding a place to sit comfortably or a small table can work wonders on making your office look more put together. Plus, cowhide furniture is unique and will make the space truly feel like your own.

3. Let Yourself Plan Ahead

You probably already have calendars and sticky notes with dates or projects jotted down on them in your home office, but are they organized? There is no point in writing something important down if you are only going to lose it later.

Adding one larger calendar to your office can do you wonders at staying more organized. With everything important available in a single glance, it will be hard to forget about what you need to do that day.

4. Organize with Decor

You might think that being organized means you also need to put away your decor, however, this is not true. You can always make organization look stylish!

Adding rustic bookshelves would look amazing with any type of cowhide furniture. Plus, you could even add a cowhide rug to create a cozy reading area to take breaks from work. Large bookshelves can hold a lot of clutter, as long as you take the time to arrange it, you can make it look nice.

5. Create a Separate Workstation

Using cowhide furniture or other small desks, you can make a separate workstation from your desk. This is where you would want to put materials you do not have to use as often, but still want to organize them where they will not get in your way.

This is where you can store files, your printer, a garbage can under the table, a paper shredder, and home phone if you have one. This keeps your desk free from clutter, giving you the space that you need to work during the day. Plus, having your own workstation gives you the freedom to decorate it how you choose.

6. Store Your Old Paperwork

It can be too easy to have a lot of old documents laying around. If you want to organize your home office, be sure to carefully file away any old paperwork. This will make it look so much cleaner!

If you are unsure of whether or not you will need the documents soon, you can always create a filing system near your desk. You can use a plastic tote, or another large container, combined with folders and files to store your important papers.

Sticky notes are also useful here. Writing down a brief description on the note and attaching it to the document before you file it away can save you a ton of hassle searching for it later.

You can also work on importing your documents into the computer. Once you have them safely scanned and saved, you can throw the hard copy away. When working from home, you are unlikely to need to mail the original copy, and will probably need to scan it to send anyway.

7. Get a Label Maker

Investing in a cheap label maker can be to your benefit. You can quickly enter the information and attach it to anything you need. This is a little tool that is quite handy when it comes to organizing any office space.

8. Create a Mini “Break Room”

Like the separate workstation we recommended, you might also consider making yourself a mini-break room in your office. This is a great idea if you tend to take breaks at your desk- leaving a lot of dirty dishes or mess behind.

Plus, making a space simply for relaxing helps you to be more productive at your desk. Once you sit down at the computer, you will be able to enter work mode faster.

So what do we mean by mini-break room? This could mean something different for everyone, however, we mean that you take a small section of your home office and design it around relaxing.

For example, you could add cowhide furniture to the corner of the room. A soft rug and couch to take a break on would help get you energized for when you need to return to work. All of our furniture is stylish and unique, so you can be sure to find a piece that looks nice in your office setting.


Those were our 8 hacks to organize a home office. Remember, you should always start with organizing any clutter that you have before you move on to cleaning or adding more furniture. This lets you know what amount of space you have to work with.

Check out our website or contact us today if you are interested in adding any of our comfortable furniture to your office!


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